Biotech Updates

US Global Security Act to Battle Hunger Worldwide

June 18, 2010

The passing of the Global Security Act by the Senate is anticipated in the US. This new legislation would support the government's initiative on battling global food hunger through substantial strategies. One of their plans is the appointment of a "food czar" who will serve as a special coordinator to manage the implementation of the plans by all involved agencies. It is also proposed that a new fund amounting to several billion dollars would be allocated for research and development of agriculture to improve food security, productivity, rural development; alleviate poverty and malnutrition; and environmental sustainability. One of these R&D schemes proposed is the use of genetic engineering.

Senator Richard Lugar, one of the sponsors of the bill, said that "the bill directs US assistance in developing local technological solutions to advance agricultural productivity in countries suffering from chronic hunger - it does not require that these solutions be genetically modified technology, but it does not preclude it where appropriate." He also added that the bill "would mandate that US assistance be used to promote genetically modified agricultural technologies, and that US food aid would be conditioned on recipient countries approving the use of GM products."

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