Biotech Updates

Climate Change may Prompt Weed Attack

March 27, 2009

Scientists from Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO) warned that climate change could spell big trouble for Australia. The country has suffered an epic drought in 2006 and 2007, attributed to Global Warming. Now CSIRO scientists believe that climate change will cause some of Australia's potential weeds to move south by up to 1000 km. Weeds cost Australia some 4 billion AUD (2 billion USD) either in control or lost production annually.

The CSIRO researchers looked at what effects climate changes anticipated for 2030 and 2070 might have on the distribution of 41 weeds that pose a threat to agriculture and the natural environment.

South east and south west Australia are the regions most threatened by weeds, according to CSIRO researcher John Scott. Weeds found to pose the greatest threat under climate change include: karroo thorn (Acacia karroo), rosewood (Tipuana tipu) and kochia (Bassia scoparia).

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