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APEC Member Economies Acknowledge Importance of SciCom in Decision-Making Process

June 17, 2015

APEC Member Economies reaffirmed the importance of public engagement in the decision-making process consistent with domestic laws and obligations, during the second part of the High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) Workshop at Acacia Hotel, Manila, Philippines on June 11-12, 2015.

Sarah Evanega of Cornell Alliance for Science, Gregory Jaffe of the Center of Science in the Public Interest, Jon Entine of Genetic Literacy Project, and Mahaletchumy Arujanan of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center, together with other experts discussed the role of science communication and public participation in decision-making. Government and non-government representatives from different economies discussed the various practices and challenges faced by their respective countries in decision-making and communication on agri-biotech. The role of the media and scientists in public engagement and decision-making was also highlighted in panel discussions.

The APEC economies agreed to take action steps such as sharing of information, practices, resources, and lessons on science communication; join efforts and interests on science communication, including future APEC workshops and coordination for relevant meetings of international organizations; and build networks among scientists, journalists, farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders for "whole-of-community" efforts for public engagement and learning.

ISAAA, SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center, and the Philippine Department of Agriculture also highlighted their different initiatives on biotech communication through an exhibit.

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