Biotech Updates

ISAAA Brief 49 Launched in Hanoi, Vietnam

February 11, 2015

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences in cooperation with ISAAA, held a conference on February 3 in Hanoi on the Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2014 (ISAAA Brief 49). Dr. Clive James, author of the report and Founder and Emeritus Chair of ISAAA presented the highlights of the ISAAA Brief 49, showing that in 2014, 181.5 million hectares of biotech crops were planted by 18 million farmers in 28 countries. It was also reported that Bangladesh is the latest country that adopted a biotech crop, particularly Bt eggplant (Bt brinjal).

Dr. Randy Hautea, Global Coordinator of ISAAA discussed the application and benefits of biotech corn in the Philippines, while Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan, Executive Director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC) highlighted the role of the media in providing correct and objective information about biotech crops against the misconception of this technology.

Distinguished heads of ministries graced the occasion including Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy- General Director of Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Prof. Dr. Trinh Khac Quang, Director of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences and participated by more than 100 regulators and scientists from science, environment and agriculture ministries, members of the academe and research institutes, representatives of businesses, associations and media agencies. Discussions on the Q and A revolved around management of biotech seeds after commercialization and effective methods of communication on biotech crops to the public.

For details of the program, contact Hien Le of Agbiotech VN at