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IICA Presents Report on Biofuels to Inter-American Ethanol Commission

September 28, 2007

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has presented a report on agro-energy to the Inter-American Ethanol Commission, during a meeting of the Inter-American Ethanol Commission (IEC).

Chelston Brathwaite, Director General of IICA, stated that the future looks very bright for all the countries that produce and export bio-fuel, be it ethanol or bio-diesel, and that the development of agro-energy offers an opportunity for countries to position themselves strategically in the international market. According to Brathwaite, Latin America and the Caribbean countries could use agro-energy as the focal point for creating a large bloc of renewable energy suppliers in the emerging international agro-energy market.

The study “Agro-energy and Bio-fuels Atlas of the Americas - Ethanol,” was prepared by IICA in response to a request from the IEC in January 2007. It is the first in a series of three studies on the state of and outlook for ethanol, bio-diesel and agro-energy production in the hemisphere.

For more information and to access the report visit: