Biotech Updates

Asian Conference on Plant Pathology Concurrent with Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Conference

April 20, 2011

The 4th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology will be held in conjunction with the 18th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Conference in Darwin Convention Center, Darwin, NT, Australia on 26-29 April 2011. The conference theme New Frontiers in Plant Pathology for Asia and Oceania will bring together the Asian Association of Societies for Plant Pathology (AASPP) and the Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS). The joint conference provides an excellent opportunity to increase collaboration between neighboring countries and share the latest scientific knowledge. Potential topics include biosecurity, leading edge bioinformatic tools, tropical horticultural and agricultural issues, education and extension. Special interest groups such as nematology, soilborne diseases, forestry, virology, to name a few, will be represented. The conference will be highlighted by local and international keynote speakers who have been invited to share their plant pathology experiences as well as educate the next generation of plant pathologists.

For details, see the announcement at