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Proposed Renewable Heat Incentive Bill in UK to Create New Biodiesel Market

August 13, 2010

The Bioenergy website and the Process and Control website report that a proposed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) bill in the United Kingdom could create a new biodiesel market, if successfully passed. The RHI will be a major focus at the European Bioenergy Expo and Conference (EBEC), to be held in 2010 October 6-7, in Warwickshire, UK. According to the RHI website, the RHI is an incentive payment for generating heat from renewable sources. The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) of the UK government is seen as the official administrator/regulator. Under the RHI, biodiesel can be "blended with heating oil to provide a real growth opportunity for the biodiesel sector estimated at 900 million liters". According to Richard Price, Director of EBEC, "The bioenergy sectors are set to grow significantly in the coming years, however, there are challenges ahead. At EBEC 2010 we hope to address some of these issues such as financing, environment agency issues, the classification of glycerol in the UK, the new market for biodiesel and demonstrate how many of the bioenergy sectors are integrated".

Related information on RHI proposal: