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NFU VP: Britain Must Boost Biofuels Production

July 13, 2007

Paul Temple, Vice President of the National Farmers Union in the United Kingdom urged the country to catch up with other biofuels producing nations, stating that growing energy crops would help producers move from a subsidised toa market economy. "This (biofuel) is a big win for both urban and rural economies because we already produce significant exportable surpluses at the bottom end of the market," Temple said.

While the financial and ecological advantages of growing crops like oilseed rape have been well publicized, only 3.5 million of the 258 million tons of cereals grown in Europe last year went to bioethanol. The United States, Germany, and France were all much quicker than Britain to act on the biofuel issue - the US alone already grows tens of millions of energy crops, leading the world market.

Read the press release at