Biotech Updates

Biofuels in Brazil’s New Anti-poverty Program

February 29, 2008

The Biopact site reports that Brazil has unveiled an anti-poverty initiative aimed at providing jobs, electricity and infrastructure to the country’s rural poor. Realizing the role of biofuels for rural development and poverty alleviation, biofuel related programs are included in the initiative. The production of biodiesel by small farmers, for example, is being promoted, under measures aimed at socially sustainable agricultural production. Under the Pro Biodiesel program, biodiesel producers can obtain a certificate (a “Social Fuel Stamp”) if they source their feedstock from small farmers, which entitles them to incentives. Rural households which grow the biodiesel feedstocks (such as Jatropha or castor) are also guaranteed a minimum price for the sale of their produce. The program is said to be benefiting about “65,000 of Brazil's poorest farmers in the country's semi-arid Nordeste region”..