Biotech Updates

Green Mustard as a Source of White Rust Resistance Gene

February 22, 2008

Scientists from the University of Western Australia and Western Australia’s Department of Agriculture and Food have identified important sources of resistance to white rust in green mustard germplasm sourced from India, China and Australia. White rust is a serious infection, caused by the protist Albugo candida, affecting the members of the cabbage family. It is estimated that white rust reduces yield in oilseed brassicas (like rapeseed, canola, etc.) by 20 percent in Australia and more than 60 percent in India.

Of the 44 green mustard genotypes screened, about 20 varieties have shown varying resistance to white rust. The genotypes from China showed the best resistance, whereas those from India were found to be the most susceptible.

 “Such promising mustard cultivars will be of particular value to farmers in lower rainfall areas because of its drought tolerance and superior adaptation,” said Martin Barbetti, member of the research team. “The cultivars can be harvested directly. It will provide a reliable and profitable break crop.”

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