Biotech Updates

Kenya Assures Public of Biosafety Guidelines

November 20, 2024

Kenya's National Biosafety Authority assured the public in a press release that the country has a well-established legal, regulatory, and institutional framework that outlines specific application requirements, safety assessment procedures, and monitoring mechanisms aligned with the country's commitment to food safety, environmental protection, and the socio-economic well-being of its citizens.

"The Authority takes note of the recent High Court ruling on GMOs and their derived products which was delivered on Thursday, 7th November 2024, reaffirming the Cabinet decision lifting the ban on GMOs on 3rd October 2022 that Kenya has a robust legal and institutional framework to regulate GMOs," the NBA press release stated.

Kenya has approved the cultivation of Bt cotton in 2020 and no adverse effects have been reported since its adoption. Other crops, including Bt maize and virus resistant cassava, are currently in variety testing stages and are close to commercialization.

Read the entire press release from the NBA.

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