Biotech Updates

Commercial Release of XtendFlex Cotton Approved in Australia

July 3, 2024

Bayer Australia has announced the commercial release of XtendFlex® herbicide tolerant XtendFlex cotton in Australia, providing growers with enhanced flexibility in weed control through tolerance to glyphosate, dicamba, and glufosinate.

XtendFlex herbicide tolerance technology is Bayer's latest development in cotton herbicide tolerant traits. This innovative cotton trait provides tolerance to over-the-top applications of three herbicides with different modes of action: glyphosate, dicamba, and glufosinate, providing options for an effective solution against hard-to-kill and herbicide resistant weeds. Along with the release was the approval of XtendiMax 2® Herbicide with VapourGrip® Technology for over-the-top use in XtendFlex cotton.

"XtendFlex cotton represents a leap forward in our ongoing efforts to support Australian cotton growers in achieving higher efficiency and sustainability in their operations," said Warren Inwood, Bayer Crop Science ANZ Managing Director.

For more details, read the article in Bayer Australia News and Insights.

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