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Scientists Produce Synthetic Cells Similar in Function to Living Cells

May 2, 2024

American scientists produce synthetic cells that are similar in appearance and function to living cells. Their research may play an important role in diagnostic tools, drug delivery systems, and regenerative medicine.

Living cells are composed of proteins that perform tasks and create structures. Proteins are needed to form the cytoskeleton of the cell, which is crucial for the cell to function. The cytoskeleton also gives flexibility to the cell in terms of its shape and response to the environment.

Without using proteins, the researchers from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill developed cells with cytoskeletons by using a novel programmable peptide-DNA technology. This new tech causes peptides and repurposed genetic material to create a cytoskeleton. The synthetic cells were developed to do certain tasks and may be altered to perform new functions. “The synthetic cells were stable even at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, opening up the possibility of manufacturing cells with extraordinary capabilities in environments normally unsuitable to human life,” said Ronit Freeman, one of the authors of the study.

Read the article on Nature Chemistry for more information.

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