Biotech Updates

Biotech Company To Launch Near Zero Sugar Juice

August 2, 2023

Two variants of Near Zero Sugar juice are to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2023 by a Bangkok-based food biotechnology company. The juices have 70% of their natural sugar removed.

Juice is the world's third-largest drink, but it lacks low-sugar alternatives. That's why researchers from IncreBio decided to produce a Near Zero Sugar Juice that has a sugar content that is lower than those found in plain milk. To achieve this, the company developed and used a proprietary fermentation platform that managed the path of sugar-reducing microbes within a bioreactor to reduce the natural sugar in the juice.

Apple Juice and Orange Juice variants of the Near Zero Juice will be offered in Singapore by the end of this year. These variants have the opportunity to achieve Nutri-Grade B.

For more information, read the news article from Technode Global.

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