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Study Reveals Mechanism to Regulate Rice Root Hair Length

April 19, 2023

Zhejiang University researchers and partners reported a novel mechanism that controls root hair elongation in rice. Their findings are published in Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

Root hairs are tube-like structures formed from root epidermal cells. They function as extensions of the roots to maximize contact with the soil for water and nutrient absorption. The researchers used CRISPR-Cas9 technology to knockout OsUGE1 in rice. This led to longer root hairs than wild type rice plants. In contrast, overexpression of OsUGE1 formed shorter root hairs. Further analysis revealed that OsGRF6 could bind to the promoter of OsUGE1. When OsGRF6 was knocked out, the mutants exhibited shorter root hair than the wild type rice plants.

The findings revealed a novel pathway that OsUGE1 is negatively controlled by OsGRF6 to regulate root hair elongation in rice.

Download the original article in Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

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