Biotech Updates

EFSA Publishes Scientific Opinion for Renewal of Application for GM Maize 1507

January 18, 2017

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) has published the Scientific Opinion on the data submitted for the renewal of authorization application of the insect resistant and herbicide tolerant genetically modified (GM) maize 1507. Application EFSA-GMO-RX-001 was submitted by Pioneer Overseas Corporation and Dow Agrosciences LLC, for food and feed uses, import and processing, but excludes cultivation within the European Union (EU).

Under the assumption that the DNA sequence of the event in maize 1507 considered for renewal is identical to the corrected sequence of the originally assessed event, the GMO Panel concludes that no new hazards or modified exposure and no new scientific uncertainties were identified for the application for renewal that would change the conclusions of the original risk assessment on maize 1507.

For more details, read the Scientific Opinion in the EFSA Journal.