Biotech Updates

FAO Documents on Biotechnology

February 9, 2007

"Results from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Biotechnology Forum: Background and dialogue on selected issues", by J. Ruane and A. Sonnino, is now available. It provides a background and summary documents from a series of six moderated e-mail conferences hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum from 2002 to 2005, relating to agricultural biotechnology for the crop, forestry, animal, fisheries and agro-industry sectors in developing countries.

See (917 KB) or contact for more information.

Another FAO document is on water scarcity and agricultural biotechnologies. It gives an overview of the current status and future perspectives regarding water availability and use, and strategies that can be employed to deal with water scarcity. It also looks into the potential ways in which biotechnology could contribute to this area. See or contact to request a copy of the document.