Biotech Updates

Argonne National Lab Finds Butanol is Suitable for Boats

August 5, 2015

In an effort to reduce boating's environmental impact, the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory investigated alternative fuels for recreational marine applications.

The laboratory, in collaboration with industrial partner Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), and with support from  the National Marine Manufacturers Association and American Boat and Yacht Council (NMMA), has demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of a fuel blend with 16 percent butanol for use in watercraft. The demonstration culminated with the approval of the fuel by the NMMA.

The newly approved fuel has the potential to replace the 15 percent ethanol blend for boats. Ethanol attracts water and can allow the surrounding water to enter the fuel tank, adversely affecting engine performance. Butanol lacks the water attraction properties of ethanol, mitigating the potential engine performance issue.