Biotech Updates

PCM DNA Isolation Technique to Increase DNA Yield

October 8, 2014

Researchers from University of Wisconsin-Madison evaluated the efficacy of a new DNA isolation technique  for plant tissues in terms of  yield and purity of isolated DNA. The technique is based on MagnaCel paramagnetic cellulose particles (PMC), a method applied on forensic sciences which requires small amount of DNA. A comparative assessment of PCM with two other DNA isolation technique methods, silica column technique (DNeasy Plant Mini Kit) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method in terms of yield and purity of isolated DNA was conducted in 25 plant species.

The findings of the assessment show that PCM obtain twice higher DNA yield compared to CTAB and DNeasy and produces consistent DNA purity based on its absorbance ratios of 260:280 and 260:230 nm. These results provide evidence that PCM is more efficient and can be a useful tool in DNA isolation especially under low DNA concentrations.

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