UBIC Supports Biotech Curriculum Development in Uganda
September 10, 2014 |
One of the goals of the Uganda Biosciences Information Center (UBIC) is to promote and advance the teaching of modern biosciences in the formal education system in Uganda. UBIC, its host institution National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) and other partners, are committed to this agenda; and so on September 2, 2014, UBIC donated an assortment of teaching and reference materials on biosciences and biotechnology to the National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC) in Uganda. Some of the materials included teaching guides and aids to facilitate teaching about biotechnology, its application and regulation.
The materials were received by Mr. Mathias Mutema Mulumba-the Agriculture Curriculum Specialist at NCDC. He commended UBIC for its support and appealed for more engagements to enable the development of relevant and complete curricula for modern biosciences in Uganda. UBIC's previous engagements with NCDC include NCDC's participation in the 1st National Biotechnology Essay Awards ceremony in May 2014.
According to UBIC's Coordinator- Dr. Barbara Mugwanya, the former is committed to furthering its partnership with NCDC in an effort to train future scientists and innovators in agriculture related fields. Modernization of agriculture in Uganda requires encouraging the youth to pursue careers in agricultural research and other sectors in the value-chain of agricultural development. UBIC's support to NCDC therefore will go a long way in strengthening the Center's expertise on and materials development for a comprehensive biotechnology curriculum in Uganda.
For more information, please contact ubic.nacrri@gmail.com.
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