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Scientists Call for a Cautious Look Into Potential Risks of Biofuel Crops as Invasive Species

January 26, 2007
(Original Article)
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In a recent article from the journal Science (URL is posted above), scientists have called on the need to weigh-in the economic benefits of biofuels with the ecological risks associated with the introduction of non-native biofuel crop species into new agricultural landscapes (i.e. species invasiveness). Many of the ideal ecological traits for biofuel crops (like high water-use efficiency, C4 photosynthesis, no known pests/diseases, etc) are said to contribute to invasiveness. The article cites situations where the introduction plant species initially thought of as beneficial have resulted in “long term economic and environmental costs owing to invasiveness”. The scientists stressed the need for the establishment of agronomical and ecological analysis (which is presently mandated for the case of transgenic plants and biological control agents) to establish the safety of potential biofuel crops..