Biotech Updates

Experts Answer Top Consumer Questions About GMOs

April 23, 2014

GMO Answers conducted a survey in the U.S. to identify the top questions of consumers about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They got the top 10 questions and solicited answers from scientists, farmers, doctors, and other experts. Each week, they post one question to their website together with the answers from the experts.

For the first two weeks, questions on food safety were addressed. The consumers asked if GMOs can cause cancer and this was answered by Dr. Kevin Folta, interim chairman and associate professor at University of Florida. He said that "there is absolutely zero reputable evidence that GMO foods cause cancer." Furthermore, he mentioned that scientists have already engineered crops to fight cancer such as potatoes that do not produce acrylamide, a potential carcinogen. The second question posted was about the GMOs and allergies. Dietician Lisa Katic addressed this concern by stating that no commercially available crops contain allergens that were produced because of genetic engineering.

"Are big companies forcing farmers to grow GMOS?" was the third question posted in the website. This was answered by a farmer from Indiana. He said that none of the seed companies force them to buy a particular product. They purchase seeds from any vendor they want.