Biotech Updates

Scientists Work to Sequence Coffee Genome

July 31, 2013

Scientists from Brazil, France, and the United States are working together to develop tools to save coffee from coffee rust, an aggressive fungal disease. Drs. Lukas Mueller and Susan Strickler from the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research at Cornell University in Ithaca are working with colleagues to sequence the genome of the widely consumed Arabica species of the plant Coffea.

Arabica is more fragrant and tasteful than the other Coffea species Robusta, but it is more susceptible to leaf rust fungus. Robusta is resistant to the fungus, and understanding the genes that make it disease resistant will help breeders improve Arabica.

The project is anticipated to be finalized in a year, and it is hoped that the resulting catalogue of genetic information will help breeders produce a more resistant plant.

More details about this initiative are available at: