Biotech Updates

GMO's Future in France Under Debate

October 12, 2007

France’s rules for the use of genetically modified (GM) products might become tougher, according to recent environment discussions in the country. The government organized a four-month forum, Grenelle de l’environnement, aimed at providing a stage for the development of national environmental policies including the future regulations of GM crops. Basic changes in the French agricultural policy are expected. Current suggestions by a GMO working body include:

  • new legislation oriented towards transparency and freedom of choice for farmers and for consumers
  •  laws that will regulate the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops
  • increased research on biotechnology and its effects
  • establishment of an independent national biotechnology advisory body

The new agricultural policies are also expected to exert influence beyond the French borders. Just recently, French representatives to the Council of Ministers abstained from voting on the EU import approval of three Monsanto GM maize varieties. President Nicholas Sarkozy is expected to announce the government’s conclusions on national positions and administrative plans regarding biotechnology by the end of October.