Barwale Foundation Commits to Strengthen Youth's Interest in Biotechnology
October 10, 2012 |
Barwale Foundation, a leading non-profit organization which operates in India with a mission to alleviate poverty and contribute to food security of the nation through its programs and research activities, welcomed representatives of the Public Research and Regulations Initiative, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, and African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) at the COP/MOP6 in Hyderabad, India on October 3, 2012.
"Dr. Barwale is concerned about the future food security of the country, particularly when our new generation is no longer interested in opting "agri-biotech" as one of their career options. He expects Barwale Foundation to take up the role of creating awareness among the young generation who are fascinated towards IT sector, by providing them hands-on training and exposure to biotech techniques in the labs, and develop their interest for agri-biotech sector to overcome our problem of food security," said Mr. Dinesh Joshi, the Executive Director of the Barwale Foundation representing Dr. B.R. Barwale during the meeting.
The delegates from 15 countries exchanged insights and information on various activities in the areas of agriculture, education and health care. The meet was organized by Dr. B.R. Barwale, Chairman of the Barwale Foundation and the father of the Indian Seed Industry. He established Mahyco Hybrid Seeds Pvt Ltd, the first seed company in the country in 1960s. As a philanthropic arm of Mahyco, the Foundation's prime focus is to conduct rice research and promote technology dissemination through trainings and capacity building in the country.
Read the full article in a forthcoming issue of Petri Dish, a publication of the Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC). View MABIC's website at http://www.bic.org.my/.
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