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Defra Presents Green Food Project Conclusions

July 27, 2012

UK's Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) released the conclusions of the Green Food Project together with the sub-group reports and online forum summary. The project aimed to bring together environment, industry, and environmental partners to agree on how improving the environment and increasing food production could be achieved.

The project steering group presented the following conclusions and recommendations in the report: 

  • the project has promoted increased awareness and interest in sectors concerning farming, food and environment and that work in this areas should continue under this banner, where appropriate;
  • the innovative, open policy making approach taken in the project has generated a positive collaborative approach, which should continue as the actions are taken forward;
  • in areas where the issues are complex and solutions could not be easily found, particularly due to the differing views involved, a more strategic and substantive discussions is needed; 
  • in taking forward the conclusions and corresponding actions, links will be made to ongoing related initiatives and existing good practices that are seen across the industry must be continued.

Read the report at