Biotech Updates

DFID to Support Delivery of Nutrient-rich Crops

October 7, 2011

United Kingdom Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchel declared that there would be increased funds to support the delivery of nutrient-rich crops to undernourished populations in Asia and Africa. "We will focus on providing high-zinc rice to 1 million households in Bangladesh by 2016," Mitchell said during the High-Level Meeting on Food and Nutrition held on September 20, 2011 at the United Nations, New York. "[In addition], we will deliver orange-fleshed sweet potato, which provides vitamin A, to 10 million children."

The decision was based on the results of the project conducted by HarvestPlus in Uganda and Mozambique, where farmers planted orange-fleshed sweet potato, benefiting the women and children.

The meeting also conincided with the first year anniversary of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, a multi-stakeholder movement that aims to reduce hunger and undernutrition particularly in the critical first 1,000 days of a child's life. Seventeen countries will be targeted by DFID's (UK's Department for International Development) support for nutrient-rich crops.

Read the media release at Watch the video coverage of the UN meeting at