Biotech Updates

Plant Proteins to Help Solve Global Challenges

August 19, 2011

A unique plant protein monitoring database that would feature information on how plants respond to environmental changes will be developed between the University of Western Australia based Australian Research Centre (ARC) Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and Agilent Technologies.

"We aim to produce an electronic notepad for lab results, where data are accessible for colleagues in the lab next door, and collaborators across the nation and around the world," said Plant Energy Biology Chief Investigator Winthrop Professor Harvey Millar. "Results are automatically updated into relevant databases and cross-matched to find previously unknown interactions. This will save time and also guarantee the integrity of data, so scientists can get on with the important tasks of discovery and innovation," he added.

"The database will be shared with the global community of interested researchers and used to address future challenges such as how to feed an ever-increasing population, and how to get plants to grow in arid, cold or high salt environments," the news release said.

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