Biotech Updates

India Adopts National Biotechnology Development Strategy

November 16, 2007

Recognizing that biotechnology is a sunrise sector which requires focused attention, the Government of India approved the National Biotechnology Development Strategy. This was announced by the Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Mr. Kapil Sibal. "The strategy, while enabling the full utilization of currently available opportunities in manufacturing and services, will lay a strong foundation for discovery and innovation, effectively utilizing novel technology platforms with potential to contribute to long term benefits in agriculture, animal productivity, human health, environmental security and sustainable industrial growth," said Sibal.

The key elements of the strategy are to set up a National Biotechnology Regulatory Authority (NBRA) which would act as an independent, autonomous, and professionally led body to provide a single window mechanism for biosafety clearance of genetically modified products and processes. A Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) for advanced technology will be launched to build world class human capital and cluster development; initiate grand challenges of national relevance in the area of agriculture, health, energy and environment and promote new translational initiatives for the wide use of technologies, and leverage international partnerships to achieve global best practices in the S&T efforts for joint IP generation. Initiatives for the harmonization of regulatory processes, smooth trans-boundary movement of biological materials, and access of global markets for biotech products and processes are also included in the priorities.

To download a copy of National Biotechnology Development Strategy: For more information on biotech in India contact Bhagirath Choudhary of the ISAAA South Asia Office at