Biotech Updates

Detecting How Plant Sensors Recognize a Pathogen

August 26, 2015

John Innes Centre researchers conducted a study identifying how the plants' sensors detect a pathogen protein. This was conducted by observing how rice recognizes the rice blast pathogen.

In the study, the binding of Pik, a protein sensor in rice, and AVP-Pik, a rice blast pathogen protein, was observed using X-ray crystallogy. Successful images were obtained showing the contact points between the plant sensor and the pathogen protein at the molecular level. Further analysis of the images revealed that the strength of the Pik-sensor binds with the pathogen AVR-Pik protein is associated with the strength of the plant's response.

The findings of the study provide new insights on how to better engineer plant responses against pathogens to enhance disease resistance.

More information on the study can be read from a news release by John Innes Centre.