Biotech Updates

A Visit to Seed Industries in East Java, Indonesia

March 6, 2013

Some nine participants from the Indonesian Biosafety Commission of Genetically Engineered Product (KKH) and Technical Team of Biosafety Commission (TTKH) participated in a two day visit of Research Stations and corn farms to provide an overview of the hybrid maize seed industry in Indonesia. The participants visited the Hybrid Maize Research Station in Poncokusumo, a Monsanto seed plant in Mojokerto and had interactions with farmers in their corn fields in Turen Kidul and Papar Kediri.

Participants were also briefed by CropLife Indonesia representative Mr. Tantono Subagyo on agriculture challenges in the future and hybrid corn development. Discussions with farmers and scientists were focused on agriculture biotechnology and its applications in obtaining higher crop yield and control of pests and diseases.

For details of this visit, contact Dewi Suryani of IndoBIC at