5th International Workshop on Regulatory Approaches for Agricultural Applications of Animal Biotechnologies
19-22, 26-29 August 2024
Virtual Workshop
International Steering Committee: Alison Van Eenennaam, Co-Chair (University of California - Davis, USA), Dan Kovich, Co-Chair (U.S. Department of Agriculture – Foreign Agriculture Service, USA), Rhodora "Olah" Romero-Aldemita (ISAAA Inc., Philippines), Margaret Karembu (ISAAA AfriCenter, Kenya), Pedro Rocha (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Costa Rica), Michele Ardizzone (European Food Safety Authority, Italy), Dan Carlson (Recombinetics, USA), Caitlin Cooper (Independent Consultant, USA), Luiz Sergio A. Camargo (EMBRAPA, Brazil), Maria Lucia Zaidan Dagli (University of Sao Paulo, and CTNBio, Brazil), Eric Hallerman (Virginia Tech, USA), Kayla Knilans (U.S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USA), Goetz Laible (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Simon Lillico (Roslin Institute, UK), Elizabeth Maga (University of California - Davis, USA), Chantal March (AquaBounty, Canada), Heidi Mitchell (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, Australia), Adam Moyer (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine, USA), Mariana Murrone (Ministry of Agriculture, Argentina), Anne Ndanu Muia (Kenyatta University and National Biosafety Kenya, Kenya), Clint Nesbitt (Genus llc, USA), Frank Swartenbroux (European Union, Belgium), Christine Tait-Burkard (Roslin Institute, UK), Mark Tizard (CSIRO, Australia), Mark Walton (AquaBounty, USA), Diane Wray-Cahen (U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA).
Plenary Sessions:
- Moderator: Mark Tizard
- Global status of gene edited animals for agricultural applications - Alison Van Eenennaam, UC Davis
- Heritable Genetic Modifications in Food Animals: A National Academy of Science Study - Eric Hallerman, Virginia Tech (emeriti)
- European Animal Breeders perspective on Gene Editing and other biotech tools - Ana Granados Chapatte, European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB)
- Global Regulatory Landscape - Diane Wray-Cahen, USDA
- How would an SDN-1 KO animal be handled in your region?
- Africa - Kenya - Anne Ndanu Muia
- Latin America – Brazil - Maria Lucia Zaidan Dagli, CTNBio
- EU - Frank Swartenbroux
- Australia - Mark Tizard
- UK - Louise Ball, DEFRA
- USA- Adam Moyer, FDA/CVM
- Pigs
- Moderator: Clint Nesbitt
- Taking PRRSV-resistant pigs through the regulatory process - Elena Rice, Genus plc
- A producer perspective on gene editing in pigs - Tom Rathje, DNA Genetics
- The regulatory journey of the GalSafe pig - David Ayares, Revivicor
- Poultry
- Moderator: Caitlin Cooper
- Application of null segregation technology for sex sorting in layer hens - Caitlin Cooper, Hendrix
- Development of genome edited chicken for egg component regulation and production of recombinant proteins - Jae Yong Han, Seoul National University, Korea
- Current Technologies in the Development of Poultry with Enhanced Resistance to Avian Influenza Virus - Darrell Kapczynski, USDA ARS
- Fish
- Moderator: Chantal March
- Gene Editing in Aquaculture: From Sustainable Solutions to Regulatory Barriers - Anna Wargelius, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
- Advancing Production and Sustainability in Aquaculture through Genome Editing - John Buchanan, Center for Aquaculture Technologies
- Commercial Scale Gene Editing in Aquaculture: Opportunities and Challenges - Ross Houston, Benchmark Genetics
- Ruminants
- Moderator: Dan Carlson
- Adaptive Breeding for Performance breeds of cattle - Tad Sonstegard, Acceligen, Minnesota
- CRISPR-based genome editors for animal breeding and their potential regulatory - Xiaolong Wang, Northwest A&F University, China
- Gene editing technologies in cattle genetic improvement: Perspective from STgenetics - Pablo Ross, St Genetics, Texas
- Producing Cattle with Genetic Resistance to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus - Aspen Workman, USDA ARS, Clay Center, Nebraska
- Moderator: Dan Kovich
- Global Trade in Animal Products: An Overview of the Current Animal Health and Food Safety Landscape - Dan Kovich
- Global Trade in Animal Products: Trade Facilitation - Rob Ahern, Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for the Products of Genome Edited Animals - Andrew Roberts, Agriculture & Food Systems Institute
- Experience on the ground – importing animal products into Australia/New Zealand - Carl Ramage, Rautaki Solutions, International Consultant
- Industry Perspective: The United States National Pork Board - Courtney Knupp, National Pork Board
- Summary of previous regional regulatory discussions
- Summary of Oceania/Asia regulatory breakout session - Olah/Mark
- Summary of Africa/Europe regulatory breakout session - Margaret/Frank
- Summary of Americas regulatory breakout session - Pedro Rocha
- The African Union Model - Sam Timpo, Principal Programme Officer, ABNE
- Latin America data sharing - Facundo Simeone, Bioeconomy Secretariat of Argentina
- Overview of emerging animal biotechnologies and future product
- Moderator: Christine Tait-Burkard/Simon Lillico
- Prospects for Genome edited Poultry - Mike McGrew, The Roslin Institute
- Genome Editing for Reproductive Capacity in Livestock - Jon Oatley, Washington State University
- Multisite imaging on neural activity using a genetically encoded calcium sensor in the honeybee - Jana Seiler, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany
- Moderator: Alison Van Eenennaam
- Historical perspective and embryo movement - Richard Remillard, TransOva
- Why Global Trade and Access to Technology is Critical to Unlock Sustainable Beef and Dairy Production - Bruno Sanches, Vytelle
- International semen movement - Tony Good, Select Sires
- Market acceptance strategy for PRRS virus-resistant pigs - Banks Baker, Genus
- Introduction of Animal Biotechnology Database - Eric John Azucena, ISAAA Inc
Regional Breakout Sessions:
- Moderator: Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, Executive Director, ISAAA Inc.
- Current and Potential Pathways for Regulatory Approval of PRP in China - Dr. Dave Casey, Genus Product Development Lead
- Application of genome editing technology in marine fish aquaculture in Japan - Dr. Keitaro Kato, Kindai University, Japan
- Centers and studies of transgenic animals in India - Subeer S. Majumdar, Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gandhinagar, India
- Gene-editing R&D and Regulations in India - Dr. Vibha Ahuja, Chief General Manager, Biotech Consortiun India Limited
- Regulation of animal biotech in Australia - Heidi Mitchell, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) & Shai Joesph, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
- Possible changes to gene technology regulation in New Zealand - Tim Strabala, Principal Scientist, New Organisims Environmental Protection Authority
- Animal Gene Editing Policy of Pakistan - Dr. M. Moaee-ud-Din, FV&AS, PMAS-AAUR
- Philippine Animal Gene editing Policy: Where we are now? - Azalea Combatir, Project and Technical Specialist, Fisheries Biotechnology Center, Philippines
- Indonesia's Stage on Gene Editing Research (Livestock and Fish) - Bess Tiesnamurti, Indonesian Agency for Research and Innovation
- The status of Animal Gene Editing Policy Considerations in Bangladesh - Prof. Dr. Md. Munir Hossain, Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Moderator: Margaret Karembu, MBS., Director, ISAAA Africenter
- Africa Union Regional Genome Editing Policy & Implications for a Harmonized Approach to Regulating GEd Animal Applications - Woldeyesus Sinebo, AUDA-NEPAD African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE)
- Kenya's Experience with Operationalization of GEd Guidelines and Implications for Animal Biotechnology/GEd Animal applications - Anne Muia, Senior Biosafety Officer,National Biosafety Authority, Kenya
- Animal Biotechnologies in the Horizon in Africa - Mizeck Chagunda, Director of CTLGH and Professor of Tropical Livestock Genetics
- Nigeria's Experience with Operationalizing GEd Guidelines - Dr. Agnes'Yemisi Asagbra, Director General/CEO, National Biosafety Management Agency
- European Union Policy / Regulatory Framework - Frank Swartenbroux, Policy Officer, European Commission & Michele Ardizzone, Scientific Officer, European Food Safety Authority
- Norway – Regulation and Innovation - Knut Berdal, Specialist Director, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway
- The Regulation of GM and Precision-bred Animals in the UK - Louise Ball, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
- Moderator: Pedro Rocha
- Regulatory Status of Animal Biotechnology in:
- Argentina - Paulina Boari
- Brazil - Maria Lucia Zaidan Dagli
- Colombia - Yenny Catherine Pinilla Lopez
- United States - Adam Moyer
- South-South cooperation in biotechnology - Facundo Simeone