Scientists Turn to Gene Editing to Manage Invasive Species |
The environmental and economic costs caused by invasive species in the United States are estimated at more than US$120 billion per year. Invasive species quickly spread as they have few or no natural predators. Introduced non-native insects can decimate crops and forests, and invasive rodents are also disruptive, particularly on island ecosystems, where they are the leading cause of plant and animal extinctions. In the U.S., exotic plant pests and diseases threaten food security, quality of life, and the economy.
Modeling Study Features Safe, Confined Gene Drive Using Wolbachia Cytoplasmic Alleles |
Scientists from Peking University in China developed a highly confined gene drive model that involves the CifA and CifB genes found in the Wolbachia phage. They proposed new types of toxin-antidote gene drives that can be constructed with the genes using the information that no viable offspring is produced if a male with both the CifA and CifB mates with a female that has no CifA in her.
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