MtPAR Regulates Proanthocyanidin Biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula
February 3, 2012 |
Proanthocyanins (PAs) are major compounds present in seed coats, leaves, fruits, flowers, and bark of many plant species. The building blocks of PAs are catechnin and epicatechin, which are antioxidants with several benefits on human health. PAs in forage plants can also help reduce the chances of lethal pasture bloat in ruminants. However, many forage legumes like alfalfa have limited concentrations of PAs.
Jerome Verdier from Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and a team of researchers used reverse genetics to characterize more than 30 seed-induced transcription factors (TFs) in model legume Medicago truncatula. One of the TFs, MtPAR, was found to regulate genes involved in PA biosynthesis. Ectopic expression of the gene in transformed hairy roots led to PA production and build up. Thus, this TF could be used to increase PAs in forage legumes to reduce pasture bloat in ruminants.
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