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Safeguarding the World's Food Supply Through a Second Green Revolution

April 24, 2009

During the 1960s and 1970s, the world went through a period of low food reserves and agricultural productivity. It was also at this time when the Green Revolution came into play with the rise of important advances in agricultural productivity, most notably in the fields of seed breeding, plant nutrition, and chemical crop protection.

Today, the world is facing the same crisis that was experienced nearly four decades ago. According to the Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer CropScience, Professor Dr. Friedrich Berschauer, the level of the world's food supply is low, as it has already dropped to the lowest level in 30 years. He calls for a signal of support in ensuring the future global food supply and for pursuing a higher degree of agricultural research from the G8 agriculture ministers who attended the meeting in Treviso, Italy last April 19 to 20.

Bayer CropScience has taken on the task of developing new plant varieties and crop protection measures. The company plans to use every tool available: from chemical crop protection solutions to conventional breeding techniques and plant biotechnology. Berschauer sums up the effort the company will exert in addressing this global issue: "What is needed is nothing less than a second green revolution."

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