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Opinions about GM Change Over Time In US and Europe

January 9, 2009

Views of Americans and Europeans about biotechnology have shifted over time.  A review of surveys and opinion polls reveal that US opinions are less favorable in the first half of 2000 than they were in the previous decade, and there is less optimism towards the effects of biotechnology and genetic engineering. On the other hand, it is the opposite in Europe. Views improve in the first half of 2000 compared to the previous decade. These were the findings of Sylvie Bonny of INRA, Grignon, France in her review article “How have opinions about GMOs changed over time? The situation in the European Union and the USA” published in CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2008.

While the concept of biotechnology in general is acceptable, opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMO) remains very high in Europe but varied according to countries.

See the abstract of the article at or email Sylvie Bonny at