Biotech Updates

India Develops Mustard Hybrid

September 12, 2008

Scientists of the National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India have developed a hybrid of Indian mustard through heterosis breeding using the moricandia cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system. Considered an important milestone in Brassica research in the country, the hybrid is named NRC Sankar sarson (NRCHB 506).

Dr. K. H. Singh, senior scientist and key breeder, said the hybrid has shown superior oil yield by a margin of about 26, and 20 percent over existing popular varieties of the region in 11 trials across 5 states. This hybrid is of medium maturity duration (133 days), medium in height (190 cm) and has 40.6 per cent high oil content. It has shown wide adaptability. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Director of the Mustard Center, under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, added that mustard is the second most important oilseed crop in the country and is  expected to contribute to self sufficiency in the edible oils. 

The full report is at