Biotech Updates

EFSA to Update GMO Panel Document

April 4, 2008

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) now has a complementary mandate from the European Commission Directorate General of the Environment to update the current GMO Panel’s guidance document. It will also cover some of the issues discussed during EFSA’s colloquium on environmental risk assessment where various approaches based on current information were discussed. The issues include potential long-term environmental effects and the development of criteria for setting up field trials to assess environmental impact.

In addition, EFSA’s GMO Panel will continue to develop its approach to environmental risk assessment through a self-task activity on non-target organisms. This involves guidelines for assessing potential adverse effects that the GM plants might have on non-target organisms, such as insects (e.g. butterflies, beetles), not targeted by the specific insect-resistant trait expressed by the GM plant.

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