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Researchers Take a Step Forward in Developing Bioengineered Protein Against COVID-19

March 21, 2024

Using a combination of protein engineering and computational design, researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering present a new method in addition to an array of treatment modalities against COVID-19. Their research is published in the Biochemical Engineering Journal.

The study, led by Dr. Jin Kim Montclare, aimed to develop an engineered protein that can attach to the spike proteins on the surface of the coronavirus and small molecules, such as the antiviral drug Ritonavir. Integrating Ritonavir into the protein could enhance the efficiency of the treatment by simultaneously targeting the virus directly.

While the study is still in its early stages with no human or animal trials yet, the findings show great promise in combatting different variants of SARS-CoV-2. This research opens new opportunities for developing a unique approach to targeting and treating viral threats and infections.

For more information, read the article from NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

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