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CGIAR's Crop Innovations Impact 221 Million Hectares Worldwide

March 6, 2024

Crop technologies developed in partnership with CGIAR centers have been adopted to 221 million hectares globally. The report, published in World Development, revisits the relevant contributions of CGIAR, a network of international agricultural research centers, in agricultural productivity, particularly in developing countries, from 1961 to 2020.

The highlights of the report include the following:

  • The economic benefit of adopting the crop technologies was estimated at US$47 billion per year.
  • Aside from the enhanced crop varieties, the CGIAR has contributed to improved crop pests and natural resources management.
  • Initially, the improved crops were mostly cereals, but has expanded to roots and tubers and grain legumes.
  • A total of 92 countries have adopted CGIAR-related crop technologies.
  • The top beneficiaries of the crop technologies were India, China, and Nigeria.

Read more in World Development.

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