Biotech Updates

OGTR Invites Comments on Proposed Commercial Release of GM Banana

September 27, 2023

The Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) invites comments from the public to assess an application from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for the commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) banana plants modified for resistance to the fungal disease Fusarium wilt tropical race 4 (TR4), also known as Panama disease.

QUT indicated that they do not intend the GM banana plants to replace the current Cavendish banana cultivars growing in Australia but rather to provide a safety net to the Australian banana industry should it be heavily impacted by Panama disease.

QUT has also applied to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for the fruit and other products of this GM banana to be allowed for sale as food. FSANZ is currently undertaking a public consultation on its safety assessment.

The Gene Regulator has prepared a Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) for this application and welcomes written submissions on issues relating to the protection of human health and safety and the environment prior to making a decision on whether or not to issue the license. Submissions are now accepted and will be open until November 6, 2023.

For more details on how to submit comments, visit the DIR 199 page on the OGTR website.

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