Biotech Updates

Enhanced Gene Editing in Ciona with CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs

August 9, 2023

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba researchers applied gene editing techniques CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs to mutate genes in Ciona intestinalis, a tiny marine organism used by scientists to study how genes control body plan development.

The use of both techniques was found to be more efficient than the usual methods, and it can be used to create tissue-specific knockouts. This is a significant improvement because tissue-specific knockouts are challenging to create with just the CRISPR-Cas9 method. While this new method is still under development, it has the potential to revolutionize the study of gene function in Ciona. It could also be used to study gene function in other organisms, including humans.

Read more from Springer Link's Gene Editing in Animals.

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