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UN Report on Bioenergy Cautions on Biofuels Adoption

May 11, 2007

A recent report by the United Nations-Energy (a “cross agency body” of the United Nations) presents a more cautious view on the benefits of biofuels production and utilization. The report, entitled “Sustainable Bioenergy: A Framework for Decision Makers”, attempts to “point key social, economic and ecological sustainability issues” raised by small and large-scale development applications of bioenergy. While the production and use of biofuels can contribute to a cleaner global air environment, and to employment and income generation in the rural agricultural sector, the potential negative impacts on food security, and other environmental effects must not be ignored.

 Among these potential negative impacts are: (1) diversion of land from food use (to biofuel crop use) could increase food prices (this is reportedly already happening for sugar and corn crops), (2) razing and loss of tropical forests that are cleared for biofuel plantations (the case of palm oil in Indonesia), (3) biodiversity loss, soil erosion and nutrient leaching as a consequence of large scale biofuel monocropping, (4) small-scale farmers may have difficulty competing with large scale biofuel plantations. Careful planning is necessary to address the potential negative impacts of biofuels and to offset them in order to derive the full benefits of bioenergy. The report also states that “biofuels are more effective when used for heat and power rather than in transport”.

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