Biotech Updates

Disease Resistant Potato Field Tests Show Positive Results in Uganda

October 25, 2017

Ugandan scientists are positive that GM potatoes will be commercially available in their country in 2020.

According to Dr. Alex Barekye, Director of Kachwekano Zonal Agriculture Research Institute, research on disease resistant potato is underway. So far, three trials of Victoria potato variety have been conducted and the performance of the GM crop is good. No diseases were detected and the yield is high.

"When we look at all the products in the GMO line and look at the duration of the crop, I think potatoes will be the first GMO crop to be commercialized in Uganda. We have conducted three trials and found that the disease is not there. The yield is good and there is nothing that has changed," said Dr. Barekye.

The next phase of the project is to test the GM potato variety in three different areas in Uganda to investigate if it will thrive in different environmental conditions, upon approval of the National Biosafety Committee.

Read more from The Observer.