Biotech Updates

Four Rust Resistant Wheat Varieties Launched in Pakistan

March 18, 2015

Scientists from the Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) released four new rust resistant wheat varieties during the Variety Evaluation Committee (VEC) meeting at the PARC headquarters on March 3, 2015. Included in the new varieties is a biofortified wheat with 50% Zinc (Zn) content. Zinc is an essential trace element used for treatment and prevention of zinc deficiency in children in women.

During the meeting, PARC VEC Chairman Dr. Shahid Masood elaborated that all these varieties are also resistant to different types of rusts, which are threats to wheat production. These varieties could resist all stem rust including UG-99, which has affected wheat crops across the globe, and RRTTF, which has infested wheat crops in Pakistan's Sindh province.

For more details, read the news article at the Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center website.