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Keene State Undergraduate Students Study Biodiesel Particulate Toxicity

October 15, 2014

Two undergraduate research teams at Keene State College are studying the toxicity of biodiesel particulates from emissions and their impact on human health.

 "We examined whether or not the pollution created by biodiesel combustion resulted in higher exposure for workers than the pollution created by petroleum diesel. It was very much an exposure assessment," explained Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Nora Traviss.

Particle impactors were placed in operators' cabs in machinery at the Keene Recycling Center, collecting samples of both petroleum diesel and biodiesel exhaust. The impactors allow researchers to see what the drivers are breathing. "We're studying the quantity of the particulate matter the driver is breathing and its unique chemical composition, which we hypothesize will be different from particles collected directly from the tailpipe."

Her team found the amount of particulates in biodiesel exhaust is lower than those from petroleum diesel, but with different chemical compositions, raising the question of toxicity. Traviss then refocused her research to also look at toxicity than just exposure levels. Once the graduate team analyzes the chemical composition of the particulates, Traviss' group will run toxicological tests.