Biotech Updates

ISAAA Publishes E-poster on Bt Brinjal

March 19, 2014

An e-poster "Bt Brinjal – Safer, Better and Affordable" is a high resolution downloadable e-poster designed to showcase the benefits of Bt brinjal (eggplant/aubergine) in a simple and attractive format so as to bridge the societal and knowledge divide on safety and necessity of Bt brinjal. The e-poster on Bt brinjal is aimed at increasing general understanding and participation in spreading the science and evidence based information and awareness among public at large. Following the unparalleled success of the commercialization of the fiber crop, Bt cotton, the adoption and acceptance of Bt brinjal by farmers and consumers in India will be a very important event from which the country can benefit enormously.

In a historic decision, Bangladesh approved the official release of four insect-resistant Bt brinjal varieties for seed production and initial commercialization on 30 Oct 2013 and subsequently started limited cultivation of Bt brinjal on 22 Jan 2014. The adoption of Bt brinjal in Bangladesh is expected to positively impact the income of thousands of smallholder farmers and consumers in the country.

This e-poster is dedicated to brinjal farmers of India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. A high resolution copy of the downloadable poster is available at ISAAA Brief 38 on Bt Brinjal was made available, free of charge on the ISAAA website at: A short version of this brief in the form of a Pocket K on Bt brinjal in India has been published, updated and translated in 8 Indian languages which are available at: