Biotech Updates

£35 M Investment for Welsh University to Boost UK's Biotechnology Research

July 25, 2013

A major investment that costs £35 million were put up in Wales' Aberystwyth University to create new facilities with the target of attracting companies and researchers who are interested in creating new commercial products based on modern approaches to plant breeding. The university is already hosting £6.8m National Plant Phenomics Centre supported by UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Welsh Government which features the most advanced research greenhouse in the UK.

BBSRC will invest up to £14.5m to help establish the world leading Aberystwyth Innovation and Diffusion Campus for food and renewable energy and will be a key partner in delivering this ground-breaking project. Another £2.5m is earmarked to develop the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre near Aberystwyth (subject to the final lease being agreed with Welsh Government), a unique facility which will concentrate on enhancing and improving upland agriculture through research based innovations, training, and development.

See Aberystwyth University's news release at