Biotech Updates

Research Partnership to Address Problems on Dryland Agriculture

May 29, 2013

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Dryland Systems has launched a $120 million research program that aims to raise agricultural productivity and strengthen food security in the driest areas of the developing world.

Following an intense consultation and planning phase among a wide range of stakeholders in 2012, the program, which is a new partnership of more than 60 research and development organizations, is now being put into action to address challenges facing dry areas in five target regions: West African Sahel and the Dry Savannas, East and Southern Africa, North Africa and West Asia, Central Asia and the Caucasus, and South Asia.

This is the first global research program that targets a series of common problems faced by dry land production systems across low-income countries. By combining and testing ‘technology and policy packages' the Program identifies high-potential integrated approaches that can be scaled-up to improve the lives of rural communities.

View CGIAR's news release at