Advanced Search: 17 events with country approvals found

Crop Any
Commercial Trait Any
Developer Any
Country China
Type of Approval Cultivation - domestic or non-domestic use


Event Name and Code Trade Name
Cotton - Gossypium hirsutum L. :
Name: GK12
Code: not available
not available
Name: SGK321
Code: not available
not available
Maize - Zea mays L. :
Name: BVLA430101
Code: not available
not available
Name: DBN9501
Code: DBN-Ø95Ø1-8
not available
Name: DBN9858
Code: DBN-Ø9858-5
not available
Name: DBN9936
Code: DBN-Ø9936-2
not available
Papaya - Carica papaya :
Name: Huanong No. 1
Code: not available
Huanong No. 1
Petunia - Petunia hybrida :
Name: Petunia-CHS
Code: not available
not available
Poplar - Populus sp. :
Name: Bt poplar, poplar 12 (Populus nigra)
Code: not available
not available
Name: Hybrid poplar clone 741
Code: not available
not available
Rice - Oryza sativa L. :
Name: GM Shanyou 63
Code: not available
BT Shanyou 63
Name: Huahui-1/TT51-1
Code: HZU-HHØØ1-9
Soybean - Glycine max L. :
Name: DBN9004
Code: DBN-Ø9ØØ4-6
not available
Sweet pepper - Capsicum annuum :
Name: PK-SP01
Code: not available
not available
Tomato - Lycopersicon esculentum :
Name: Da Dong No 9
Code: not available
not available
Name: Huafan No 1
Code: not available
not available
Name: PK-TM8805R (8805R)
Code: not available
not available